Friday, November 20, 2009

Does this surgery really work 4 people with hyperhidrosis?

hi, i have a condition called hyperhidrosis and i was going to get botox injections to treat this but then i found out about this surgery called sweat gland suction it is similiar to liposuction and i heard it has a 95% success rate and doesnt have bad side effects + gives permanent dryness. has anyone gotten this or does anyone know more about it? if you know about this, can you please answer my questions at the bottom?

-how much does this cost?

-is it risky?

-does it really work well?

-i heard you have to get stiches in your underarms. will this permanently damage your underarms and leave any scarring or discoloration?

i would appreciate any help because i really want to get this done if it works but i need more information. please respond if you can + thanks 4 reading this! :)

Does this surgery really work 4 people with hyperhidrosis?
Yes, it really does help in most cases. I would sure give it a try. Here's a great website:

Good luck!

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