Monday, November 16, 2009

I have Hyperhidrosis, mostly on my feet. Please help.?

Like I said, I have Hyperhidrosis. It's mostly on my feet, but my hands also sweat a lot as well. I'm now 20 and ever since I can remember I've always had a problem with my feet. Growing up my doctor's didn't even know what was wrong with me. One doctor even accused my mom of letting me walk on hot pavement because my feet get covered in Blisters. I've tried powders and other stuff that I'm not even sure of. My feet hurt really bad all the time because of the blisters. It makes it hard to walk. I've always been really embarassed by this. Most of my friends have never even seen my feet. Now, I'm engaged and I'm hopeing that something can be done. Thanks!

I have Hyperhidrosis, mostly on my feet. Please help.?
i work in podiatry office and we see it quite often. it is very common problem. there are some very simple ways to combat the problem, such as rotating shoes and socks frequently, using dryin agent(can try Arrid xtra dry antiperspirant on bottom of feet), and sometimes antibiotics are required for the blisters to solve infection. i'm sure you are aware of all these suggestions however please try this great web site that i think will really help out, it has informative articles, product available and discussion forum with a doc. good luck!
Reply:There is a antipersperant called Certain Dri that u can find at a target or walmart for 5 bucks and its good for people who sweat a lot. its supposed to be for underarms but u could probably use it on your feet too. Its one of those roller liquid kind. i use it and it works great for me. i actually have been thinking about using it on my feet since they sweat and make my flip flops squeak.
Reply:There is a clinic in Texas that does surgery. I don't know if other doctors perform this surgery, but here is the link to the clinic in Texas:

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