Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm afraid I might have hyperhidrosis. Please Help!?

My hands and feet get really sweaty. I noticed they only sweat when I think about my hands. Once they start sweating they dont stop. I'm afraid I might have hyperhidrosis but I heard it could be from hormones and i'm 14. But I wanna know if its temporary or permanent, because i'm going into high school and its really embarrassing. If someone knows how to stop it please let me know. Any advice on what do to would be greatly appreciated.

I'm afraid I might have hyperhidrosis. Please Help!?
Hyperhidrosis can be caused by food allergies, or a mineral/vitamin deficiency. I had it for a long time before learning this.

Check out this article about hyperhidrosis, grains, and sugars. Scroll about halfway down the page.

I had hyperhidrosis and other symptoms for many years. I tried all the usual treatments including ETS surgery, prescriptions, antiperspirants, botox, etc. The surgery was most helpful but several years later hyperhidrosis began to return.

This year I was diagnosed with food allergies due to celiac disease. I eliminated wheat, dairy, and sugar from my diet. I stopped all prescriptions and began taking supplements for B vitamins and magnesium.

You can see the rest of the story here:
Reply:You're 14? Welcome to puberty.

Everyone goes through various ordeals, be it sweating, BO, lust, pubic hair, etc, etc, etc.

Everyone gets worried, everyone is embarrassed over something.

Don't worry. :-)
Reply:Consult a Dr.

there is an operation for this but I'm sure it costs thousands, I saw it on one of news shows last yr. I think the take out a gland or something not 100% on that so google it to make sure how operation works, I knew a girl who had sweaty palms she would just wash them alot %26amp; carry a few small wash clothes with you to school in pocket or say back pack that you can discreetly dry your hand with from time to time,rubbing alcohol is also good for drying skin on a temp. basis %26amp; killing germs which may keep palms/feet from getting stinky with all that sweat gong on. Oh %26amp; try gold bond med. powder for feet in socks,

Good luck
Reply:I have hyperhidrosis too. I'm 16 and I've had this problem my whole life. I KNOW hoe embarrassing it is! I'm in high school and I have to put up with it every day.

I started usind a prescription drug called Drysol. But I think it's bad for you and it kind of hurts. But ask you doctor about it.

I also tried accupuncture (scary)! This is a chinese treatment and they stick tons of hair size needles in certain places. And this did nothing for me. But it works for some, so it might be worht a try. It doesn't hurt at all, but I'm just affraid of neeldes.

Then I used these pills my doctor prescribed. They work great! I stopped sweating completely but they cost a fortune!!! And they give you a dry mouth. (I also had insomnia, one of the side affects) but only once. So ask your doctor about these.

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