Friday, November 20, 2009

Why should you cut out grains and sugars if you have hyperhidrosis?

And what else will work to get rid of hyperhidrosis??? please help me! and i told my parents i had it but they kinda blew it off and forgot about it-they dont know it is a big problem. i need help reminding them about it but its embarassing. any ideas?

Why should you cut out grains and sugars if you have hyperhidrosis?
I'm not quite sure if you should cut out grains and sugars from your diet. It will be quite hard to cut these out of your diet. I believe you would need supplements. For this you should see a special doctor or nutritionist/dietition to see if grains and sugars are really affecting you via hyperhidrosis (HH).

And indeed it is a big problem (for me too), and you should talk to your parents about it more often about HH and how it's affecting you.

Here's link to alternative treatments:

Then there is the ETS surgery for HH.

If you hear the wonders of ETS, make sure you research it thoroughly before considering it. It may not be as wonderful as you think.

I hope this helps.

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