Friday, November 20, 2009

Does this surgery really work 4 people w/ hyperhidrosis?

hi, i have a condition called hyperhidrosis and i was going to get botox injections to treat this but then i found out about this surgery called sweat gland suction it is similiar to liposuction and i heard it has a 95% success rate and doesnt have bad side effects + gives permanent dryness. has anyone gotten this or does anyone know more about it? if you know about this, can you please answer my questions at the bottom?

-how much does this cost?

-is it risky?

-does it really work well?

-i heard you have to get stiches in your underarms. will this permanently damage your underarms and leave any scarring or discoloration?

i would appreciate any help because i really want to get this done if it works but i need more information. please respond if you can + thanks 4 reading this! :)

Does this surgery really work 4 people w/ hyperhidrosis?

I coincidentally have just had this surgery on Tuesday this week. So far so good. The procedure was uncomfortable, which i expected, I have three small incisions in my arm pit. They weren't stitched, the middle incisions I could hardly see. I believe they will heal quite well. I am quite bruised at the moment and tender but each day they feel much better. I expected to be more uncomfortable. The cost was $1520. The procedure performed by a dermatologist in Sydney. I haven't been able to wear a dressing as I had a reaction to it, but there is no more blood. I was able to were a t-shirt yesterday that I usually have to take off about 20 minutes after putting it on. So at the moment I would do it all again.

Hope this helps.

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