Monday, November 16, 2009

Hyperhidrosis Cure?

I have Hyperhidrosis on my hands and feet, it is the worst thing imaginal, i stress over everything, i cant hold my girlfriends hand sometimes, it makes me socially screwed up

i have drysol ( alimimium chrolide ) and it has helped alot, but still, they can get sweaty in summer and stuff

i heard that the electric current machine works well ? does it stop the sweating completely ?

i will really apreicate for a good answer, thanks

Hyperhidrosis Cure?
I have a friend with that condition, only hers is under her arms. So I was looking on line, and read about using BOTOX for it. Granted, your hands are a lot different than under your arms, but it just might help... Apparently it will paralyze the glands that make you sweat. Check it out, if I find anything else about it, I'll post it. Good luck!


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